Our commitment to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Transmedia is dedicated to the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking as well as the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are aware of the part we can play in making this happen.

As an equal opportunity employer, we are dedicated to fostering an atmosphere that is welcoming, inclusive, and respectful for all of our employees. All of our employees should have the assurance that they may report wrongdoing without incurring any personal risk.

Our hiring and people management procedures are made to guarantee that all candidates for employment are qualified to do so lawfully in the UK and to protect current employees from harassment or coercion.

We acknowledge that as consumers of goods and services, we have the power to encourage other businesses to follow ethical hiring methods.

We don't do business with any organisations who knowingly encourage slavery, servitude, or forced or coerced labour, whether they are based in the UK or elsewhere.

Here are the efforts Transmedia has taken and is still taking to comprehend and reduce the risk of modern slavery in its supply chains and business operations.

Our supply chain

We consider the risk of modern slavery in our company and supply chains to be reasonably low due to the nature of our business. We only use a small number of suppliers outside the UK to supply us with goods and services.

Organisations that are submitting a bid to work with Transmedia are required to certify that, if they meet the requirements, they have established a Modern Slavery Statement in accordance with the law.

Due Diligence

  • By exercising due diligence in all of our operations, we try to avoid unwittingly promoting modern slavery. To promote best practices, we inform prospective employees and suppliers of our procedures.
  • We ensure that every employee has a contract with them directly and is authorised to work in the UK.
  • Whenever we conduct a comprehensive public procurement procedure, prospective suppliers must self-declare that they meet the Modern Slavery Act 2015's applicable requirements.
    • We reserve the right to challenge any abnormally low-cost tenders to make sure they do not depend on the potential contractor engaging in modern slavery.
    • If a modern slavery statement is required by law, we make sure that the cleaning and security services we contract are provided by businesses that also have one, and we ask all such suppliers to disclose their equality policies and practices.
    • To guarantee that suppliers are in compliance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2025, we will further assess our procurement processes and better integrate supplier checks.

On an ongoing basis we continue to further reinforce these principles as follows:

  • Providing employees with education on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and guidance on what to do if they have suspicions of a case of slavery or human trafficking.
  • Ensuring that employees receive the necessary training to spot modern slavery red flags when interacting with stakeholders.
  • Ensuring that we take into account and prevent the risks of engaging individuals or groups in modern slavery when reviewing pertinent HR rules.
  • Ensuring that employees involved in purchasing, procuring, hiring, and dispatching personnel receive training on modern slavery and ethical employment practices